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展覽分享|洛杉磯 Ochi Project 線上展覽:Lilian Martinez "Sunrooms" 02.23.21-03.20.21

Writer: Joanne Hsieh (MissyChiao)Joanne Hsieh (MissyChiao)

Updated: Oct 2, 2021

編輯 Edited by | 謝蕎安Joanne Hsieh

翻譯 Translation by |謝蕎安Joanne Hsieh

Original source : Ochi Project

Ochi Project

Online Exhibition "Sunrooms" by Lilian Martinez

位於大洛杉磯中心的畫廊 Ochi Project 於線上專區展出藝術家Lilian Martinez於2017-2021年間創作的小品, "Sunrooms" (02.23-03.20, 2021)。

Lilian Martinez 擅長使用南加州特有的色盤,透過描繪女體和靜物傳達一種舒適恬靜。Maritnez 用傳統繪畫中養尊處優的姿態來描繪棕色膚色 (Brown Bodies) 的女人,將畫面填滿,呈現出力與美,他們的肢體語言喚起一種輕鬆自在的享受。一如往常地,Martinez 讓這些女人穿上色彩繽紛且舒適的服裝:罩袍,睡衣,和室內拖鞋,或是一頂 Nike 的帽子搭配露出腳指頭的粉色根鞋。

在居家防疫期間創作的最新作品系列中,Martinez 將人體的手掌畫的超乎尋常的大,並將自己環抱著,彷彿這些女人在沈思之中擁抱、寵愛自己。關在家中數月以後,我們同意可以敞開心懷欣賞 Martinez 繪畫中誠懇平實捕捉到的內觀、自我接受的美麗的平靜片刻。

"Sunrooms" by Lilian Martinez

Online Exhibition presented by Ochi Project, Los Angeles

Ochi Projects is pleased to present Sunrooms, an online viewing room exhibition of small works by Lilian Martinez made between 2017 – 2021. The show will be featured online from February 23 – March 20, 2021.

Using her suggestively Southern California color palette, Lilian Martinez paints female figures and still lifes that ever suggest comfort and ease. Interested in highlighting brown bodies occupying positions that traditionally suggest leisure and privilege, Martinez’ figures fill the picture plane and appear strong and capable, their body language evoking a sense of enjoyment and peace. And as ever, Martinez paints her women in a signature wardrobe that is always both colorful and comfortable, featuring garments such as robes, pajamas and house slippers, or a Nike hat paired with pink open toed mules.

In her most recent works, made during quarantine, Martinez painted her figures’ hands disproportionately large, and crossed, as if these women are embracing themselves in a contemplative moment of self-love. After so many months at home, we can all appreciate these inclinations to welcome serene moments of reflection, acceptance and beauty, qualities that Martinez so openly and honestly captures.

Lilian Martinez (b. 1986, Chicago, IL) 在洛杉磯和 Yucca Valley 之間往返居住與創作。她於芝加哥藝術學院取得攝影藝術學士學位,創辦成立 BFGF— 將Martinez的創作使用數位印刷及編織等方式呈現的藝術品牌。她在海內外皆有展覽履歷,包含近期在洛杉磯的 Ochi Project,倫敦的 Taymour Grahne,愛爾蘭 Naughton Gallery 以及東京 Commune。

Lilian Martinez (b. 1986, Chicago, IL) lives and works between Yucca Valley and Los Angeles, CA. She earned a BFA in Photography from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is the founder of BFGF, an art brand working with digitally printed and woven versions of her artwork. She has exhibited her work nationally and internationally, most recently with Ochi Projects, Los Angeles, Taymour Grahne Projects, London, The Naughton Gallery, Belfast, Ireland and Commune, Tokyo, Japan.


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