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展覽分享|瞧瞧藝術 Gallery x Chiao 溫柔著陸 Soft Landing 11.12-12.11.2022

Writer: Joanne Hsieh (MissyChiao)Joanne Hsieh (MissyChiao)

溫柔著陸 Soft Landing

李智賢 個展 A Solo Show by Michelle Jane Lee

展覽日期 exhibition dates|11. 12 - 12.11. 2022

開幕茶會 opening reception|11. 12. 2022 Saturday 3-5 pm

地點 Venue|瞧瞧藝術 新址:台北市松山區南京東路四段56號3樓之2(近捷運小巨蛋站)

瞧瞧藝術很榮幸在畫廊新址舉辦李智賢個展 溫柔著陸 Soft Landing。溫柔著陸 (Soft Landing)是去年所展出的肌膚之親 (Skin Contact) 的再次延伸。在蔓延起伏的地形上仔細畫上的形狀, 創造出通道和門徑 — 邀請觀者看透和看入, 喚起內心深處及深藏在記憶中在愛人身旁, 或在自己的床上被柔軟材質所包覆時感受到的安全感。即使在近年不安定感和持續升高的緊張之下, 我們仍有屬於自己的安全地帶可以溫柔著陸。

肌膚之親 溫柔著陸 系列 都是在疫情期間產出的作品。在持續數月獨處的時光中,產生對於當肢體接觸是一個自然不過的過往的想念。李智賢為自己開創了一個可以碰觸和懷想那些時光的方式,對於那些意義深遠、肢體碰觸的重要時刻產生更深之體悟與理解。這些紋路質地豐富的作品, 試圖將這種抽象的感覺、以及人體的型態包覆其中。每件作品皆以朋友所提供的布料包覆 — 可能是被單或衣物,藝術家親手揉、推、捏、拉,塑造出每個如軀體般的丘陵與與紋路。每塊布料仍存留著肌膚的記憶,曾經穿著過他們的人們和其回憶被保存在每件作品之中。此系列主題是最單純的希望— 回歸於人類情感,感知到我們仍存在在愛裡。

在極簡主義的美感和概念為先的創作形式底下, 是藝術家義無反顧的感性。李的創作反映出藝術家抒發個人情感及情緒的方式 — 透過象徵性的符號與顏色創造私人秘密語彙, 藉此達到與內在自我的和諧。在忠於呈現感性, 直覺與故事性的同時, 擁抱以過程為導向 (process-based) 的抽象創作, 李的作品證明概念性 (Conceptualism) 和情感 (Emotional) 是可以共存的。


溫柔著陸 展期間採預約參觀制, 請洽瞧瞧藝術 Email:, 官方臉書訊息或 Instagram 訊息,謝謝。


A Solo Show by Michelle Jane Lee


Gallery x Chiao is pleased to present Soft Landing, a solo show by L.A. based artist Michelle Jane Lee. Soft Landing is the new iteration and expansion of her previous series, Skin Contact. Shapes carefully painted on top of the undulating landscape create portals and openings - inviting the viewer to look through and within, to recall visceral and lived memories of being covered and wrapped up in the softness and safety of their bed or a lover. Even in these years of uncertainty and heightened anxiety, we each have our safe places to land. Skin Contact and Soft Landing were both conceived in the middle of the pandemic. Months into the isolation and hallucinations of memories past of a time when touch wasn't forbidden, I sought out a way to touch and memorialize each of those moments with a newfound understanding of its magnitude and importance. The heavily textured paintings were an attempt to encapsulate this and the movement of the human body. Each piece is enveloped in a used bed sheet or an old worn t-shirt, then with bare hands, kneaded, tugged, and pulled to create the fleshy mounds and crevices. Each piece of fabric still clinging onto memories of skin and the person and people that lived within it forever emblazoned into each painting. The aim of this body of work is simple - to return to human. Acknowledging that we, are still here in the flesh and love.

Despite Lee’s minimalist aesthetic and conceptual methodology, her work is unapologetically emotional. The paintings also reflect a coping process - searching for order in the chaos of intense emotion, through means of exploring the personal cryptography creating secret languages of symbols and colors. Dedicated to celebrating sensitivity and narrative while embracing a process-based approach towards abstraction, Lee’s work proves conceptualism and emotion need not be mutually exclusive.

Michelle Jane Lee (b.1982) is a Korean American artist based in Los Angeles. Lee holds a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago; her work has shown in New York, Berlin, LA and Taipei. She established Sung, a vegan Korean fusion cuisine brand that was featured in LA Times.

SOFT LANDING is by Appointment Only. For a private viewing please contact Joanne Hsieh at Or DM GalleryxChiao on Instagram or Facebook @chiaoxart. Thank you.



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