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瞧瞧藝術 ChiaoxArt|說故事的畫家,人偶動畫師 Evin Collis

Writer's picture: Joanne Hsieh (MissyChiao)Joanne Hsieh (MissyChiao)

Updated: Jun 28, 2020

Evin Collis: Painter, Stop motion Animator, Story Teller

Interview by|謝蕎安 Joanne Hsieh

圖 Image Courtesy|Evin Collis

翻譯 Translated by Joanne Hsieh

洛杉磯 LA\巴賽隆納 Barcelona

Special Thanks to Evin Collis

Barcelona Bar. 2020. Charcoal on paper. 60 x 79 inches

Q:Evin,你好,謝謝你接受採訪!請問你會如何向陌生人形容自己的作品? Hi Evin, thank you for taking this interview! How would you describe your art to a stranger?

Evin:「我的創作包含油畫、紙上創作、漫畫、雕塑和停格動畫。我的作品很赤裸、不加修飾,我希望可以讓觀者從創作中感受到,在現代生活中人類和動物的生存環境多麼地動盪和脆弱。」 My work mostly comprises of painting, drawing, comics, sculpture and stop motion animation. I would say that the work often has a gritty aesthetic. The narratives tend to provoke the instability and fragility of human and animal existence and the vulnerabilities and insecurities of modern life.


Where are you currently based at and what’s it like for a working artist?

Evin:「我從 2019年五月開始住在巴賽隆納。這座城市充滿了創意的氛圍,有來自各地的各種藝術家。非常多傑出的美術館和藝廊。住在這座充滿古羅馬遺址、濱海傍山的城市,是非常美妙的經驗。我目前在L’Hospitalet 一個新成立的藝術家村落工作,叫做Tangent Projects,有幾位其他來自各地的藝術家。這裡有一種聚落的感覺,讓我漸漸找到自己的定位。」

I have been in Barcelona, since May 2019. The city is bursting with a creative spirit and is full of artists of all types from allover. There are many exceptional museums and galleries. It is amazing to live in a city atop roman ruins that is nestled between the beach, the sea and the mountains. Currently I am working in a shared studio space at new artist run studio space/ gallery in L’Hospitalet called Tangent Projects with a handful of other artists from all over. There is a real sense of community here and I am finding my way.

Coldshot still 2. 製作中的停格動畫「Cold Shot」第二幕。


Where are you from and what it’s like? What are some of your favorite places and/ gallery, museum suggestions for visitors?

Evin:「我來自曼尼托巴省的溫尼伯(Winnepeg, Manitoba),位在加拿大的草原三省東緣,屬於阿尼西泊因(Anishinaabeg),克里( Cree), Dakota, Dene, Métis, 以及 Oji-Cree 等原民區。溫尼伯最早是設定為皮草交易區,沿著阿西尼泊因河與北紅河的平原,因此漸漸發展成一個富有生命力的中型城市,天氣可以是從極熱到極冷。我熱愛、同時也厭惡這座城市,這種複雜情緒來自對於溫尼伯的期望。這座城市好像不曾進步,正面的改變非常緩慢,並且充滿複雜的貧富不均的問題。」

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada which is located on Treaty 1 territory the traditional territories of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Dakota, Dene, Métis, and Oji-Cree Nations. Winnipeg, was originally permanently settled as a fur trading fort along the banks of the Assiniboine and Red Rivers and has since developed into a culturally vibrant medium sized winter city that is full of extremes from the cold to mosquitoes. I truly love and detest the city simultaneously, it’s a complicated feeling of constant frustration of what Winnipeg is and could be. The city seems to often be lacking in progress; meaningful positive change can be slow and there are serious complex issues of poverty and inequality.

「人稱溫尼伯為北方的芝加哥。他一直以來都是北美洲的重要交通樞紐,有四通八達的鐵路運輸系統。許多十九世紀末、二十世紀初有名望的建築物座落在此。我最喜歡的一些活動,包括一個冬季節慶,叫做 Le Festival du Voyageur,這是慶祝溫尼伯法語區文化和皮草歷史的節慶,因為在每年二月份舉行,這個時節戶外極冷。這時整座城市滿是音樂,到處都是巨型的美麗冰雕。冬天也有河水結凍時形成的小徑,沿路上有藝術家和建築師特別設計的取暖區,讓你可以沿著小徑暢遊整座城市。除此之外我平時最喜歡的活動就是在溫尼伯泥濘的河岸閒晃,搭公共運輸四處拜訪市中心的美景。」

Winnipeg is colloquially known as the Chicago of the north. It was and continues to be a transportation hub being in the centre of North America with an extensive railroad network and hosts some notable architecture from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Some of my favourite things to do in Winnipeg include Le Festival du Voyageur. A great winter festival celebrating Winnipeg’s francophone heritage and fur trade history in February so it can be bitterly cold outside. The city becomes full of large amazing snow sculptures and great music. In the winter there are fantastic frozen river trails to traverse the city complete with specially-designed warming huts created by various artists and architects. Beyond that my usual Winnipeg routine tends to revolve around hanging out by the muddy rivers, riding Winnipeg Transit, visiting the cinematheque and wandering around downtown.

Muskeg Special. 2019. Oil on canvas. 60 x 252 inches. (Triptych installation in studio)

「這裡也有非常多藝術家自營的空間,像是 La Maison des Artistes Visuels Francophones du ManitobaUrban ShamanAce Art,MAWA,Platform,Martha Street Studio,Blinkers,Artspace,The Edge,Gallery 1C03 等等。較有名望的美術館包括溫尼伯美術館Manitoba Museum 以及 Plug In ICA。」

There is an abundance of artist-run spaces throughout the city to visit. A few to mention, La Maison des Artistes VisuelsFrancophones du Manitoba, Urban Shaman, Ace Art, MAWA, Platform, Martha Street Studio, Blinkers, Artspace, The Edge, Gallery 1C03 and more. The established museums include the Winnipeg Art Gallery, Manitoba Museum and Plug In ICA. The art, film, music and theatre scenes are quite strong, independent and important for their strong contribution to Canadian art and culture.

Empress Diner. Charcoal on paper. 60"x 75". 2019.

oil on panel. 10 x 10 in.

Q: 你的創作主題包含哪些?

What is the theme of your work?

Evin:「我的創作主題通常在探討--土地流失所帶來的負面影響、歷史、加拿大意識、被孤立的地方性。我喜歡建構和解構不同的觀感模式,藉由不同的媒材以及誇大的人、事、物,來描述各種地方。」 Themes my work often investigates include the complexities of the degraded landscape, history, Canadian identity, isolation and place. I am interested in constructing and deconstructing various modes of perception, representation and narrative of place, caricature and objects through various mediums.

Mile 271. Oil on canvas. 48"x84". 2018.

Q:你最喜歡使用哪些媒材? What’s your favorite medium?

Evin:「我沒有最喜歡的媒材。畫畫對我來說是最主要的,是我所有創作的基礎。最近我創作了很多大幅的炭筆畫。我會不斷回去畫油畫,蛋彩或水彩,但都是以素描的方式來構想。製作人偶跟佈景,拍攝實驗性的停格動畫是一個讓我可以融合所有技巧的好方法。」 I don’t have a favourite medium. Drawing is crucial. It informs everything I do and conceive of. Recently I have been pounding out a lot of large charcoal drawings in the studio. Consistently I however return to painting with oils, tempera and watercolour always with drawing in mind . Building puppets and sets and shooting my experimental stop motion animations have been a great method to fuse all of these different modes of making and skills together.

許多藝術家像 Chicago Imagists、或是很多過去來自溫尼伯的創作,都受到當地文化和傳統民俗文化的影響,風格獨特
Image pictured is ‘Winnipeg Riot’, Charcoal on paper. 55“x 79”, 2019


Out of all the cities you’ve lived in, where do you like best and how does the art scene differ in each city?


I have had the privilege of living in different cities and they all hold a special place in my heart. However I will always be drawn to Winnipeg and Chicago. Those cities are quite special to me, they are authentic, complex and different and for the most part unpretentious and grounded in my opinion. Their art scenes and histories are unique and a reflection of the complexities, struggles and underdog nature these metropolis’ experience. I think it's connected to the attitude of making art in an overlooked and relatively isolated geographic place where there are few commercial opportunities and a strong DIY culture.

Gutter Gully. Oil on panel. 30"x30". 2018.

「從歷史上來說,我覺得這兩座城市沒有像其他城市一樣向東往紐約看齊,想藉此得到一些憑證。可能現代的網路文化讓這一切不同了,但當我想起許多藝術家像 Chicago Imagists、或是很多過去來自溫尼伯的創作,都受到當地文化和傳統民俗文化的影響,這些創作都很有獨特性,並且是與那些年代的主流藝術相沖的。」

Traditionally I feel artists in these cities didn’t look east to New York for some sense of validation as many other places did. Maybe with the internet today that has all changed but when I think of artists such as the Chicago Imagists and a lot of the work made in Winnipeg in the past while there is clearly a unique voice, largely inspired by community, various folk art traditions and the work generally bucked against the main art world trends of the times.

製作中的停格動畫「Cold Shot」其中一幕。A clip from in progress animation ‘Coldshot’, work in progress.


Can you tell us about your educational background/ Art related experiences?

Evin:「我曾在多倫多的溫大略藝術設計學院(OCADU)就讀。透過OCADU其中一個program,我到義大利佛羅倫斯讀了一年的藝術和藝術史,這對我影響很深。學習歸國後,我在曼尼托巴鐵路公司當了四年的列車員。2014年我搬到芝加哥,2016年在芝加哥藝術學院得到藝術碩士。畢業後我回到加拿大,四處駐村、在電影界工作,在個人創作之餘也教過繪畫和停格動畫。」 I attended the Ontario College of Art and Design (now OCADU) in Toronto, Ontario. Through a satellite program via OCADU I had the opportunity to spend a year studying art and art history in Florence, Italy, which was life changing. After my studies I returned to Manitoba and worked on the transcontinental railroad as a porter for about 4 years. In 2014 I moved to Chicago and commenced graduate school where I completed my Master in Fine Arts at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2016. Since then I returned to Canada and have participated in numerous residencies, worked in film and taught drawing and stop motion animation while making my work.

Garbage bear. 2018. oil on panel. 12”x14", 2019.


Would you recommend grad school to aspiring artists?


Depending on what their expectations and desires are perhaps. I don't think school is for everyone, nor should it be accepted as a standard for artists however the experience proved very formative and enlightening for me personally.


What were your favorite activities as a child, and do they have any impact on your art making?


As a child I drew lots of pictures, enjoyed playing with toys and daydreaming. I also loved the outdoors, camping and canoeing. All of these experiences have trickled into how I see the world and are reflected in my interests.


Who inspire you? Who are your art heroes? Evin:「有太多了,我經常回去欣賞的有William Kurelek(加拿大藝術家)、Red Grooms(美國複合媒材藝術家)、Robert Colescott(非裔美國藝術家,屬超現實畫派)跟Paula Rego(葡萄牙藝術家,故事性的畫作和絹印最為人所知)。我喜歡獨立動畫製作人,非主流漫畫,還有民俗藝術。很多我在芝加哥藝術學院的教授對我的影響也很大。Al Purdy(加拿大詩人)、Alden Nowlan(加拿大作家、詩人及小說家)的詩,以及Nelson Algren(美國作家)的小說對我影響深遠。」

There are too many to list. I continue to return to the work of William Kurelek, Red Grooms, Robert Colescott and Paula Rego. I love independent animation, underground comics, and folk art as well. Many of my professors at The Art Institute of Chicago also had profound impacts on my work. The poetry of Al Purdy and Alden Nowlan and the stories of Nelson Algren are very meaningful to me.



What do you do outside of studio practice?


Everything bleeds together. I am fascinated by history, cities, the outdoors and nature. I enjoy reading, watching films, live music and theatre so all of that informs how I pass my time.

Q:你在工作室裡有哪些特殊習慣? Do you have studio session rituals?

Evin:「我每天都會畫畫 --即使是只花二十秒、畫完就被我銷毀的圖。我隨時隨地都在做筆記、隨身會攜帶小型素描簿,在路上或搭捷運的時候,一有靈感就可以拿出來畫。我的工作室也有幾個不同的角落設定,看我當天決定要畫畫、素描或是製做人偶。」 I try to draw everyday- even if its a 20 second doodle I immediately destroy. I constantly make lists and keep note pads/ pocket sketchbooks for when I’m on the street or on the metro and an idea suddenly pops into my skull. My studio also has a few different set ups for whether I decide to paint, draw or make puppets I follow through accordingly.

Coldshot still 1. 製作中的停格動畫「Cold Shot」第1幕。

Coldshot still 3. 製作中的停格動畫「Cold Shot」第三幕。

製作中的停格動畫人偶「星鼻鼴鼠」。Star-nosed Mole puppet for the stop motion animation “Putrid Pond”.

Q:身為藝術創作者最困難的狀況有哪些? What are some obstacles you’ve encountered so far, in terms of producing art and making it work?

Evin:「時間管理、對自己的期望、工作和金錢。」 Balancing time, expectations, work and money.

Q:身為藝術家目前為止最難忘的經驗? Favorite experience as an artist so far.

Evin:「和我新賞及能激發我的創作能量的藝術家一起創造工作環境。提供青少年、孩童或成人一個可以共同創作的工作坊。分享創作的喜悅,或是共同創造一個奇怪的project,用無邊際的創意來解決各種問題,這個過程帶給我很大的感動。在溫尼伯的時候我曾經在一個叫做 “Art City" 的地方當過志工,這是個特別的地方,提供優質且免費的藝術課程給所有人。這個經驗讓我深刻體會到藝術的價值和意義。」

Building community with other artists whose work interests and inspires me. Facilitating and participating in collaborative art making workshops with children, youth and adults. There is a real sense of gratification that comes with sharing the joys of art making, creative problem solving and unrestrained creativity when you collaborate on a wacky project together. In Winnipeg I used to volunteer at a very special place called ‘Art City’ that offers free, high quality art programming to all. That place had a very strong impact on my understanding of what art is and can be.

Evin Collis 製作的人偶臭鼬鼠。


What are some goals for 2020?

Evin:「我剛完成一個十二分鐘長的停格動畫短片,標題是“Coldshot",斷斷續續花了我三年的時間。我想在各式影展播放它,看看大家的感想,來決定下一步怎麼做。另外我也開始設計、製作下一部動畫的人偶。我想更精進如何製作更精細的3D人偶,增進自己的技能。」 I have just completed a 12 minute experimental stop motion animation entitled ‘Coldshot’ that I have been working on intermittently for 3 years. My wish is to have it play in various film festivals and share it with everyone who wants to see it and see where it goes. Also, I am beginning the design and construction of the puppets for the next animated film. I will be learning to build more intricate and articulated 3D puppets and furthering my skillsets.

Special Thanks to Evin Collis.


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