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瞧瞧藝術 ChiaoxArt |墨西哥藝術家 Amadeo Morelos Favela 的日常神話

Writer: Joanne Hsieh (MissyChiao)Joanne Hsieh (MissyChiao)

Updated: May 11, 2020

Everyday Mythologies: Multidisciplinary artist Amadeo Morelos Favela

Interview by | 謝蕎安 Joanne Hsieh

圖 Image courtesy|Amadeo Morelos Favela

翻譯 Translated by Joanne Hsieh

洛杉磯 LA\墨西哥 Mexico City

Special Thanks to Amdadeo Morelos Favela

Oil on panel, 2020.

墨西哥藝術家 Amadeo Morelos Favela 的創作遊走在古典與當代繪畫之間,用色富有中美洲的熱力及藝術家本身的豐沛情感,風格既奔放又細膩。完美結合了平面與立體空間,滿足視覺的色彩飽和度、手繪線條與油彩的結合,使傳統繪畫充滿趣味性。

Amadeo 的創作靈感大多來自神話故事、個人生活和當代文化。有時只是想捕捉一種心情或感覺。用色主觀強烈,色彩有時反應了藝術家所在的地方、或是心理狀態,有時是創作媒材適合什麼顏色就用什麼顏色。

Currently based in Mexico City, artist Amadeo Morelos Favela's work is somewhere between classical and cartoony. His work  is painterly but highly stylized, life is abundant in his imagery and light shines through the often bright and saturated colors. Favela's inspirations come from mythologies, personal life and contemporary culture. Sometimes creating art simply functions as journaling, where he tries to capture a mood or a moment in life. Favela processes his emotions through colors and lines, come Ines with a unique sense of humor and perception of modern life. 

Hi Amadeo!謝謝你接受訪問,請問你來自哪裡?最喜歡的當地活動是什麼?可以推薦我們當地的美術館或畫廊嗎?

Hi Amadeo, thank you for doing this interview with me! Can you tell us about where you’re from and what it’s like?

Amadeo:「我來自 Morelia , 是墨西哥 Michoacan 的首都。殖民時期的歷史城區市中心非常漂亮。Museum Palacio Clavijero 有很好的展覽,在市中心散步可以看到很美的景色,當然也有很多美食。」

I’m from Morelia, a small city, capital of Michoacán, Mexico. It has a beautiful colonial historical Downtown. Museum Palacio Clavijero has been showing some really good stuff, but mostly just wondering around Downtown, is beautiful and of course the food.

Amadeo's studio.


Where are you currently based at and what is it like for a working artist?


I'm currently in Mexico City, there’s a lot going on here, so I would say is a really interesting place for an artist. A lot of different communities, and a really abundant subject matter. But honestly I’ve been mostly isolated in my own work, which is something I am trying to change.


What were your favorite activities as a child?


I loved to draw when I was a little kid, I would often get in trouble in school because of it. I would visit my aunt painting studio, I loved museums, and I would always carry a sketchbook and a Monet children book wherever I went to.

Lilibet, Oil on polyester, 36"x48", 2019.


What is the theme of your work? Why are you interested in it?


(My work) Is a mix of philosophy, mythology, contemporary culture and my own psychological state.


How would you describe your art to someone who’s never seen your work before?


I am not very good with words, so I usually show people my work on my phone.

Landon lay 4. Oil on polyester, 17.7"x13.8", 2019.

Untitled (Sunset2), Oil on polyester, 48.8"x33.5". 2019.


Do you have a specific way of working?


Not really, sometimes I start with some research that leads to the images and compositions, other times the work comes in a really intuitive straight from the canvas, paper, clay or whatever medium I found myself working on.


What’s your favorite medium and why?


I don’t really have one. The thing I enjoy the most is learning new things, so I guess whatever medium becomes the vehicle for that becomes my favorite for a specific moment in time.

Untitled (Sunset#5). Oil on polyester. 48.8"x33.5". 2019


What are you currently working on? Any specific topics/research in your most recent series?


I’ve been really hoping to dive a little more into sculpture for a long time, so hopefully I can finally do it this year.

Good Boy. Oil on polyester, 65"x55", 2019.


Can you tell us a bit about your educational background and art-related experiences?

Amadeo:「我從小就很愛畫畫,高中的時候開始在閒暇時間作陶藝和銅雕,但是直到我去芝加哥藝術學院(SAIC)上大學之後才受到正式的藝術訓練。」 I’ve loved drawing my entire life, then in Highschool I started working with clay and bronze on my free time. But it was not until I went to college at SAIC that I had any real formal training.

Good Stream. Colored pencils and marker on paper, 12"x9",2019.


Did living in Chicago have any influence on your art or in general?

Amadeo:「完全性的,可以隨時到芝加哥藝術學院的美術館參觀,一流的藝術教授,還有第一次接觸到許多和我的理念相近的人,這個經驗豐富了我的人生。」 Entirely, having access all the time to an amazing art collection at the AIC, great professors, and being around a bunch of people with similar perspectives like mine for the first time in my life. It completely changed my life.


Who are your favorite artists and who inspire you?

Amadeo:「莫內、特瑞爾 (James Turrell,美國燈光藝術家)、杜象,但最主要是我的朋友還有教授們影響我最大。」

Monet, Turrell, Duchamp, but mostly some of my friends and professors that I’ve been so lucky to have.

Darling Smile. Oil on Canvas, 30"x24", 2019.


What do you do outside of studio practice?


I like to listen to podcasts, watch documentaries and cooking and eating.


What are some goals for the year?

Amadeo:「想要更專注、健康,不要被超出我所能控制的事情影響太大。」 Being more focus, healthier and less affected by things out of my control.

  • 追蹤更多輕鬆的藝術家資訊,追蹤 IG: ChiaoxArt

  • 看更多精彩藝術家專訪,訂閱Youtube 頻道:瞧瞧藝術 ChiaoxArt

  • 看更多 Amadeo Morelos Favela 的精彩作品,追蹤 IG:@amadeo_mf


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