Complete Observer:a Solo Show by Sarah Sulhwa Lee at Bill Brady, Los Angeles, 02.18.2022 - 03.26.2022

編輯 Editor| Joanne Hsieh
文 Text|Sarah S. Lee
譯 Translation|Joanne Hsieh
圖 Image Source|Sarah S. Lee Instagram, Bill Brady Gallery

現居紐約的韓裔藝術家李雪華(Sarah Sulhwa Lee)在洛杉磯Fairfax的比爾布雷地(Bill Brady)畫廊展出個展「旁觀者 Complete Observer 」。展期為 02.18 - 03.26. 2022。
我透過創作來重現這些想像中的場景和故事。每一幅畫都試著呈現用綿密複雜的感官堆疊出來的敘事或氛圍。光亮與黑暗、空氣中的味道、溫度與濕氣、空曠等感受,都是我的創作主軸與元素。即使有著些微生命和動物的足跡,卻完全不見“人”的蹤影。他們保持著觀察者的身份,隱身在畫面的黑暗處 -- 因為在我創作的故事裡,觀者才是真正的主角。」--李雪華。
Complete Observer : a Solo Show by Sarah Lee presented by Bill Brady

Bill Brady Gallery is pleased to present Complete Observer, an exhibition of recent paintings by Sarah Lee.
"As a teenager, I was madly in love with fantasy literature. I often daydreamed about being in these imaginative stories and landscapes that I now paint, confronting the mysteries and possible danger. I enjoyed the element of fear because I knew that I was safe. Reading fantasy literature didn't excite me as much as I grew up, but the feelings I had came alive when I experienced these certain moments in nature. Especially at night, with the moon in view, illuminating a dark forest, and during winter snow. In my work, I aim to recreate those imaginary landscapes and stories. Each piece has a different story or atmosphere composed of a complex layer of senses. Brightness and darkness, the smell of the air, temperature, humidity, and emptiness are essential feelings and elements in my work. Although there are traces of life and animals, a human figure is palpably absent. They remain in darkness to become a complete observer because the viewer is a protagonist in my story.”
李雪華 (b. 1988, 韓國首爾) 現居紐約。他於2017年在芝加哥藝術學院藝術碩士學位,2011年取得藝術學士學位。李也曾於2014年在首爾國立大學研習繪畫。李過去的展出包括ATM,紐約(2021),赫索那畫廊,巴黎(2021),養心藝術,台北(2020),The Mission Project芝加哥(2017),以及朱利爾斯.瑟斯畫廊,芝加哥(2017)。
Sarah Lee (b. 1988, Seoul) lives and works in New York. In 2017 she received her MFA from SAIC, Chicago, where she also received her BFA in 2011. Lee also studied painting at Seoul National University in 2014. Past exhibitions include ATM, New York (2021), Galerie Hussenot, Paris (2021), Artnutri Gallery, Taipei (2020), The Mission Project, Chicago (2017), and Julius Caesar Gallery, Chicago (2017), among others.
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看更多 Sarah Sulhwa Lee 的精彩創作,追蹤 IG:@sarahsrlee